Money Management FAQ's

Money Management FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What are all the services you will provide in Gold Membership?
A) Through gold membership; You will know the secrets and best strategies to manage your money. How to make 1 Crore to 10 Crore as early as possible with your monthly income.  At the time of managing the money, we should not only look for high returns; we also should consider risks in it. We will help you to get all these in perfect order. 

2) What type of financial Products you will advise & why?
A) There are many financial products in the industry considering returns & liquidity. Here we will help you on how to set financial goals (instead of focusing on returns). Once your goals are fixed; the rest of the things are easy.  We educate you only on all financial products except stocks. 

3) I have my Demat account, is it necessary to open an account in fund bazaar again?
A) No…you can do your investment in your Demat account; If want us to monitor your portfolio you should have related account.
4)What if Happycoin suddenly close? Who will monitor my portfolio after that?
A) Here in Happycoin, we will charge one year fee for gold membership. After registering for it; you get complete services within 15 days of payment, You will get action points step by step if you follow that action points perfectly you will achive all your life time goals as early as possible.

Once you registered for gold membership. You will get a video course; There we clarified and given enough knowledge to manage your money. You can monitor your portfolio or you can hire one to one financial planner. 

5) How often you will get a call from Happycoin? If we have any doubt how can I contact you?
A)  You are assigned with a dedicated Relationship Manager after registration for Gold membership, You can contact him whenever you will get doubt regarding your life/finance or other, you will get monthly emails as well if you have any queries you can revert to that email as well, you will be added to a WhatsApp group where you will get regular updates, regardless this you will get a quarterly call from your RM.

6) I already had health coverage from my company, you are advising to take additional health insurance why?
A) Firstly, the employer's health insurance policy has a standardized Sum Insured for all employees and their families, however, your needs might differ from the other employees. The right Sum Insured should ideally be based on your age, life stage, family structure, lifestyle, medical history, etc. Depending on your and your family's requirements, a standard employer's health insurance policy may not protect you completely when you actually need it

what's the solution: Simple, take a personal health insurance plan parallelly with the right Sum Insured that fits all your needs, so even if your corporate health insurance plan cannot cover your health expenses completely, you always have your individual health insurance policy to make an insurance claim with. And if 2 health insurance policies are becoming a pain to maintain, stick to your corporate health insurance plan and take a top-up plan on it. This way, even insurance claims needs that are over and above your corporate plan, are taken care of.

7) In the Excel evaluation sheet, you have mentioned MF1 & MF2 what is the difference between MF1 & MF2?
A) MF1: Where we expect 14% to 15 % returns, we generally advise MF1 for long term goals where we will give more proportion of your investment allocation to Mid & Small Cap Funds.
MF2: Here we expect around 12 % returns, we will advise MF2 for medium-term goals where maximum investment allocation will go to large & Midcap funds.

8) How to get registered for Platinum Membership?
A) Platinum membership is not for all; After analyzing your excel sheet if you are eligible for Platinum Membership your Relationship Manager will suggest you to for Platinum Membership.  If you are interested then you will get the call from our certified financial planner in which he will explain to you the benefits of platinum membership.