Money Management / Franchisee Webinar FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Money Management / Franchisee Webinar FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Black Magnifying Glass
Q. After Payment How to Register for a webinar?
A. After payment, you will receive an email to your registered email id.  Check your mailbox/Spam Folder/Promotions.  That mail consist of time selection link of the webinar, by clicking on that you can signup for it. 

Q. How to Pay FEE to the webinar?
A. During payment need to fill the registered email id and contact number. After payment, hold on for a minute without closing the tab it will be redirected to the specific page where you can select suitable timing for a webinar. Most of the times a coupon code applied link will be sent to you.

Q. What if I registered and miss to attend the webinar?
A.  We will send you the next webinar link or Replay of the webinar based on your convenience you can attend. 

Q. What I Get for Webinar Registration Fee?
A. You can attend the webinar; If you find any bonuses that also will be provided based on the webinar you register for.

Q. Why You Charging Fee? Why You Not doing Freely?
A. We looking for QUALITY people to attend our webinar instead of QUANTITY. as we want to work for a few people; This fee is like a filter. 

Q. You Thefting People Money?
A. Few people feel this way; Attending a webinar/our programs is your choice. We not forcing anyone to do that. But if someone paid, we trying to justify the value. 

Q. It's Fake, You Cheating People?
A. In the earlier days of the company, people used to question like this. Now Happycoin crossed 3 years in Age. Vaasu Challa being in financial services since 2014. So this question is invalid now. 

Q. How Many Crores You Have? How Rich You Are?
A. This is also one hate question. Vaasu Challa dont want to reveal it Because by showing it Happycoin dont want to hire any customers.  If you want our services; Look and search for skills which we already demonstrated not by our properties or money we have.

Q. Can I meet Vaasu Challa Personally? 
A. It became invalid because of CORONA. Can meet but we prefer telephonic conversation before the meeting. We do conduct seminars/events there also you can participate. 

Q. I dont have a laptop, Can I attend through Mobile?
A. Its 1hour to 1.5 hour session. Holding mobile that long impacts and it's not convenient to experience a webinar. So we strongly recommend you to attend through the LAPTOP/DESKTOP. If it's not available then attend through Mobile. 

Q. How can I trust you?
A. Dont trust anyone including us. But we provide few resources to give you confidence in us. Go through it you find positives and negatives both. So make your decision based on it. Please visit our website for more info .

Vaasu Challa is author of two books, Being present in various social networking sites since 3+ years, Have 100s of reviews. Please go through it and take your call. 

Please let us know if you have any more questions. 


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